Spring Camp Week 1


LASG Spring Camp 2016 started March 22nd and this week continues to be an amazing experience. Where we have karate, dancing, egg hunts, as well as what we do best which is gymnastics and so much more. Our coaches are constantly keeping our Spring Campers engaged in activities and equally keeping them safe. As you are about to see, we have our campers enjoying the activities of the week.

Came in to school to find them decorating their easter eggs in class.

Pretty sure where this is going, the good ol? game of easter egg hunting.

Both lil campers were done decorating their easter eggs so they were being silly bunnies in class.

Lil camper making faces everytime I tried taking a picture.

Our own Director checks in to our campers to maker sure they are having fun. The picture below are the campers opening the eggs they found and shared amongst those who couldn?t find any. Glad to be able to witness them following the solid rule of ?sharing is caring?.

I did my best to catch some pics to share but they are undpredictably fast to find those eggs. Every picture looked blurry like I was trying to get a pic of big foot.

The campers are everywhere searching for those easter eggs!!

Trying out flips from the trampoline to the soft pit, everyone gets to do it. 

Our coaches are always supervising them, helping them improve and adding the obvious ingredient for these camers, HAVE FUN!!!

Week 1 is just the warm up, wait till week 2. Every camper is learning new things every day and we do our best to keep them on their toes for Spring Camp. It?s a time to have fun and continue having fun back to back. Break from doing homework, work, school, etc. LASG Spring Camp is to break habit and be yourself for once!

Spring Camp is Monday to Friday from 9 to 3 as a full day, half day is 9 to 12. Call us for more information. Thank you for reading and have a great Spring Time.

We Are Open Friday 3/25 and the weekend (Saturday 3/26 and Sunday 3/27)

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